Thursday, January 8, 2015

UnComfort Food

I'm all for trying new things and adapting to local cultures.  But there are some things at my neighborhood Albert Heijn that I just need to document and share.  Most of these things I will never try.

Note the artistic mayonnaise presentation on the next few 
Filet Americain is raw beef with some spices, to spread onto bread for a lunch sandwich.  Kind of like a raw sloppy joe.  
Hot dog aisle always gets me, so many dogs in cans, how does one decide?
Jarred dogs (in water?) are an interesting alternative to canned dogs
"Luncheon" seems like a fancy word to associate with a meat product packaged like this.  "Basic" feels accurate though.
I had heard it was tricky to make corned beef.  Not anymore.
An aisle of sprinkles (hagelslag), for toast, a common everyday breakfast in holland
If sprinkles seem messy, there's an aisle of spreadable chocolate options too, for your daily breakfast needs.  Finally something I can support...
Licorice aisle 
Vla, lots and lots of vla.  I haven't tried vla, but assume it's like pudding
Holy mackeral

Please take a moment to enjoy this video, it really captures the albert Heijn experience beautifully.  Kids and I cannot go into AH without singing this song and feeling all of the associated emotions.  

AH is bad, luckily there are some better options around town.  But even the nicer stores have their issues.  

Down the road, at the fancier grocery store, they open at 9.  What that seems to mean is that staff shows up around 9 to start to set up products for sale.  These photos were snapped around 10...the seafood aisle had just been filled with ice.  The store has been open almost a full hour and yet there is still nothing available to buy in the the seafood dept.   I think if I head back around noon I could actually get some fish.   

Same story in the bread section.  Maybe if I return for fish midday, I could also grab some bread.  The 9 am opening time must be when they start baking the bread cuz shelves are empty and its 10am.


Birdie said...

Do you remember the raw sloppy joes for lunch at school in Luxembourg? That was funny!

Mills (héron + hibou) said...

such a catchy tune...with the blue and white sign !

How do canned hotdogs compare to regular hotdogs?

Stephanie said...

Haha, this reminds me I need to place an AH delivery order to arrive once we are back in Amsterdam. That way I don't have to step foot in AH! Aaahhhh!

Birdie said...

I want to be brave and try a few of those in April! And one of them, the liver worst is already a favorite!!

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