Saturday, August 29, 2009

Living at the End of the Earth

My roomie from freshman year and I have managed to keep in touch all these years. I don't know the last time I saw her (jojo, was it 99??? has it been 10 years?), but I am so glad that she and I are still buds. Post college this smarty pants went on to get her french...a Paris. Where she fell for a dude from Chili.

After the MBA was done, they got hitched, moved to Santiago, and had a baby girl. So cool. But she didn't stop there...they have now moved to some tiny town at the bottom of Chili, where they are helping to run the family seafood business.

How interesting, right?!?! And lucky for me (and you), she FINALLY started a blog...check it out. This will not be your average mommy blog.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Thanks for the plug! Happy blogging :)

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