Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Funny Confession XLIII

You are officially not cool when an article in the WALL STREET JOURNAL (of all places) makes you feel unhip...which happened to me this morning.

Today's article about texting lingo left me feeling old and out of the know.

Do you know what any of these acronyms mean?! Do you use them?

WOMBAT (waste of money, brains and time)
WRUD (what are you doing)
IMO (in my opinion)
ROFL (rolling on floor laughing)
SWDYT (so what do you think)
WDYM (what do you mean)
GNOC (get naked on camera)
LMIRL (let's meet in real life)
IWSN (I want sex now)

Funny stuff. According to the Journal, we need to get smart and keep up with such lingo or we will not be able to communicate with our children. Yikes. I hope my children never GNOC because IMO that is trashy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


If ever my girls do there will be full spelled words shared!

Much Love! Hope you are well!
Love CC

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