Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Portland is known throughout the world to be a very bike-friendly city. It seems everyone has a bike and rides it often. From June 11 through the 27th PDX celebrates "Pedalpalooza". This festival is made up of 200+ bike-related events around the city. Oh, and it has a really cute poster too:

It has been so fun to be a part of this bike culture with our new rig. Although I've talked about zoobombing, we tend to keep our rides pretty tame...we zip down to the farmer's market, we cruise the hills of terwilliger, etc.

It looks like we missed quite an event this past weekend. The Naked Ride happened right downtown and had over FIVE THOUSAND riders! Wow. I'm not sure I'm up for this event...well, maybe someday....who is in?

Photo via BikePortland

If you are really curious...and want to see this video. Hilarious.


Amy Beth Kloner said...

OMG. OK, first, that would HURT.
But what a RIOT!!! I am not that brave, either (hurt or not), but this is seriously some funny stuff. Strength in numbers I guess.

Was that your husband with the video camera? May want to address that . . . JK!!! ;)

birdie said...

Only in Portland! I might have to bring my grandchildren to a tamer place!

thesmallviking said...

if the weather is nice, you want to do the sunday parkway up in nopo?

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