Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A House on a Hill...IN FRANCE

Everyone probably has that girlfriend from high school that is busy renovating a stone house in the shadow of a French castle, in the same village that Chocolat was filmed, right?

Oh, you don't? Maybe its just moi?

Well, you are in luck. Mon amie is posting regularly about her incredible project. You should check out her postings here. How cool?

And FYI, she is also the full time mama of 3 children...what a woman!

And another FYI, her house is the one on the right side of the above photo. Amazing, right?!

And a final FYI, while you are over on her blog, poke around...it's pretty great, you'll be hooked.


Celebrate What You Got (C.W.Y.G)- Patches!
My paternal grandmother passed away many (20ish!) years ago...but she lives on in our lives through Patches. Patches sleeps in the crib with WKF (as he did with me) and so we think of her every day. He is such a sweet dog, made of lovely vintage fabrics.

It is not every day that you see another Patches, so I was giddy when I saw this post, which contains instructions on how to make your own Patches if you are handy like that.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Funny Confession XLI

I totally borrow novels from WKF's babysitter. She is 12.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

VKing is Big Time

The brains behind VKing just got some great press.

Go cats go.

And if you haven't already, what are you waiting for? You really should click here to order your set...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Photo du Jour

WKF's little friend SB hosted a beautiful morning playdate; complete with farmer's market fruit salad, fresh bagels and OJ (which WKF loved, btw). We ate on a blanket in her gorgeous backyard and had a wonderful time. After this lovely playdate, sweet WKF was exhausted. He passed out (in his new big boy car seat) as soon as I snapped him in. He successfully transferred to the crib when we got home and he is still sleeping now (3 hours later).

Playing hard can be exhausting.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Eat Outside

As I have blogged about in the past, we have a pretty intimate setting to host outside dinner parties at our pad. I wouldn't change a thing about our sweet spot.

However, I am inspired by this photo (which I saw over here) to switch things up just for a night.

O has been working so so so hard on our new yard. I will bore you with photos (of the yard and everything else in our lives since May) once I get my computer/camera situation all sorted out. But trust me, its fantastic. Before he took on this big project, we did not have a flat spot anywhere in the yard...but now...we have a really great stretch of flat gorgeous grass. And a new fence that is lovely to look at. And this new playspace has quite a view. It really turned out amazing and WKF and his new sibling will be spoiled rotten just by getting to play in it.

The project is for the kiddos. But some night, after they go to bed...I'd like to move our big fab table over to their yard...and string some lights...and eat outside with friends...

And I think I'll wear a bright red dress, because the gal in this photo sure stands out in a good way, right?

Sweet DIY Dreams

I love this sweet DIY headboard idea. It turned out so adorable. I don't think I have the skills to make it happen, but I wish someone I know would give it a try because it is so super cute.

For directions and other inspiration, go over to Design Sponge where I spied this today. Darling!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I fear surprises. I don't know why. OK, I do know why. I am afraid I'd have bad hair and outfit at time of surprise. Shallow, yes, but true. Well this Rockstar got quite a bday/anniversary surprise (her hubby woke her super early, gave her 20 mins to pack) She had no idea where she was going, although he gave her some packing advice. She looks amazing in every shot.

Note to self: if ever you do get a surprise like this be sure to grab red lipstick, hipster red shades, darling vintage-y bathing suit, and a flower headband. And always have nails painted bright red and un-chipped...just in case.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


A few years ago a friend of ours was making extensive father's day plans with his buddies. Golf, steak dinner, etc. His daughter, who is very wise (and who was probably 5 or 6 at the time) asked him simply, "if its father's day wouldn't you just want to be a father?" So sweet, so simple, so right on.

We followed her wise logic and kept today a simple celebration of being a father. Which includes lots of piggy back rides and smiles.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet Z$

My baby niece is FOUR today!

Z, your AuntS loves you so so much! I cannot wait to come see you in a few weeks!!! Get ready to play hard.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day Weekend!

Happy Father's Day to my 3 favorite Papas!

Cruise Condo

Everyone in Portland has been commenting about the HUGE cruise ship that was docked in the Willamette River for the last 3 days. It really was quite a site to see. This thing was HUGE HUGE!

Turns out, this ship (called The World), is not your average (cheesy) cruise ship. This thing is a floating luxury condo complex. The people aboard own their units. And the units are pretty nice...check 'em out.

I hear that the rig circles the globe every two years. Check out their 2009 itinerary. What a cool way to live, huh?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Portland is known throughout the world to be a very bike-friendly city. It seems everyone has a bike and rides it often. From June 11 through the 27th PDX celebrates "Pedalpalooza". This festival is made up of 200+ bike-related events around the city. Oh, and it has a really cute poster too:

It has been so fun to be a part of this bike culture with our new rig. Although I've talked about zoobombing, we tend to keep our rides pretty tame...we zip down to the farmer's market, we cruise the hills of terwilliger, etc.

It looks like we missed quite an event this past weekend. The Naked Ride happened right downtown and had over FIVE THOUSAND riders! Wow. I'm not sure I'm up for this event...well, maybe someday....who is in?

Photo via BikePortland

If you are really curious...and want to see more...watch this video. Hilarious.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photo du Jour

Monday was a great day for a dip in our favorite urban fountain. Yeah for Portland in the summer!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Photos du Jour

O's older bro was here a few weekends ago. He is handy with a camera and he caught some great shots of my boys. These shots also eternal-ize the stache, it was shaved the day after these were taken.

Also please take note of that sad looking fence in the background...O has been working hard to build a fab fab new one...I'll post pix of his masterpiece soon.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Love Letter

Dear Striped Lantern Dress,

I love you.

Love SKF.

Christmas is Coming Fast

I know it's only June...but it's never too early to start planning for the Holidays.

O and I have a really exciting present in the works.


WKF will be a BIG BROTHER on or around Christmas!

I'm feeling great...just can't believe it's true...but it's true.

Here we go again! Yeah!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


...I'm pretty sure that I mixed up "want" and "need" when I bought these shoes today...oopsie. It's an easy and honest mistake.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big Sissy

Before my nephew arrived, we didn't know if my sis was having a boy or a girl. My niece, Z$ made it very clear that if it was a boy she "would NOT be happy!". These pictures tell me that she is over it and she is loving her little bro. Phew.

What is it they say about not having big objects in the crib with a new baby?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Boat Season

Although it was a cloudy day, we embraced summer by heading out on the boat with the best neighbors ever on Saturday.

This was W's first boat ride. He liked it. Good thing, because it won't be his last!

Captain O!

First mate W!

SC and her papa

It's never to early to teach them to drive a boat...

Monday, June 8, 2009


WKF has a darling darling little buddy named FYC.

FYC was at the party yesterday and we are so glad he came! His papa knows a thing or two about photography...and he captured some great shots of the party. Check them out here.

One More Video...

Z$, WKF really loves his new Tonka. Merci!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Other People's Home Videos Are So Boring...

If you agree with the title of this post...skip it, I won't be offended. But if you want to watch WKF celebrate the big #1...check it out.

That is a "W" cape he is wearing...made with love by Birdie, isn't it great...and isn't he super?

Our Little Prince Is ONE!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Storm Photo

There was a big storm here Thursday, heavy winds and lots of trees down. The storm would have been your average summer storm in the midwest, but here in Oregon it was a really big deal (much like the "arctic blast" which was the top story for at least a month in local news here).

Anyhow, we had a storm.

This photo was in the local paper...along with a boring story about a ramp closed and a tree down.

I couldn't help but notice...how hot does this woman look? Check out her hot car, her sexy dress and the red pumps?!?!? This looks like an Anthro photo shoot. Right? I love it. Go girl. I am dying to know if she always dresses like this or did the tree fall in her path on the perfect day for her to be photographed for the paper?

I think I need some red pumps...to keep in the car...just in case. Oh yea, I think I also need a hot beemer SUV. Does BMW have that model in a hybrid?

Friday, June 5, 2009

You know it's summer...

...when you trip over a waterski everytime you use our front door. Yeah for summer!

Busy Mama

Sorry my blog posting frequency has been light lately. I'm busy. Planning a FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! Oh, and working too. In that order...

PS - I wish the cake pictured above was one that I whipped up...its not, I got this great image here. I'm sure mine will look sorta like that one (joke).

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Funny and True

Our 4th 4th a Portland

We are making plans for the big 4th of July party. I sent an evite but for some reason had all sorts of tech difficulties. If you want to be invited (trust me, you want to be), but didn't get an evite for some reason, email me and we'll get it sorted out. The more the merrier (although the guest house is already spoken for, so you'll need a place to crash if you are an out-of-towner). Also, if you noticed that I left people out - let me know - it was not intentional!

I fondly remember last year's bash...baby WKF was so little....

Zoobomb Sculpture

The Mayor must have been reading my blog. It had to have been this post which motivated him to commission this new sculpture.

OK, maybe I had nothing to do with it. But I love that Portland provided a grant to build this new sculpture to honor the Zoobombers. Love it. I can't wait to check it out!

And I love how the Zoobombers welcomed the new sculpture to the city. According to the Mercury:

"Within hours of the phallic monument's erection, bar-crawling Zoobombers happily swarmed the sculpture and posed pants-down around the pole. When a police cruiser quickly rolled up, one 'bomber shouted, "Don't worry, we're legitimate now!" "
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