Friday, September 5, 2014

First Day!

I love this series of "first day" shots, so much.  I couldn't edit it down any further, because I want to remember every little facial expression.  W was full of advice and love for P, for her first day of Grande Section (GS).  GS is the final year of Maternelle (pre-school) in french schools and is equivalent to Kindergarten in the US (based on age that is true, although the curriculum seems a bit different than US kindergarten...the pros and cons of that difference are something we will understand better when we return to the US and face re-entry).   P, and her nijntje backpack, could not have been any more excited or ready for day 1!  

Big bro and his golden backpack are off to Cours Preparatoire (CP) - which would be first grade in the US (although like GS, the curriculum is different than first grade in the US).  CP is a big is on the top floor of the school, it is very serious, each kid needs his own fountain pen, and there is lots of homework.  I am 100% more nervous about all of this than W, which is good (and bad).  

 Papa joined us for drop off, a big deal for everyone!

 O told me that little W's heart was racing as he waited for the bell to ring!

GS trouble, times three!

Make that four....

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