Thursday, May 12, 2011


Here's a new word for you: rundow.  Its that little window of time when you can catch a run.  With all of your other competing priorities (work, babes, laundry, cooking, etc. etc.) You have no idea if/when/how all the elements will come together for you to get a rundow. 

On occasion I'll sleep in a sportsbra and pile up the rest of my running gear by the case the early morning presents me with a rundow.  Other days I wake up and get dressed for a run, just in case a rundow appears, so that I am ready to catch it.  Every now and then I'll throw a bag of running gear in my car when I head to work, just in case there is an opportunity to squeeze a run into my day. 

It is pretty impossible to plan a rundow, you just have to catch one.  Maybe you wake up super early (before the babes) and have some energy?  Maybe your neighbor has a sitter and you can share the sitter for an hour?   Maybe your love got home earlier than you expected and you can pop out for a quick few miles.  Maybe you can duck out of work early or show up a bit late? Maybe you can bribe 2 toddlers to sit in a double jog stroller for a half hour? 

I always thought my mom was nuts when she would rise before the sun for a workout.  Well, now I get was her rundow. 

First image is from MWaz, window photo is from here. 


Birdie said...

Geez, it was a "rundow", but I never gave it a name! I still love to go to the gym very early in the morning! Guess it is an old habit...and a rundow! XOXO

amy said...

I LOVE this! Maybe one day we can plan a rundow together, although a true rundow can never really be planned :)

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