Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Photo du Jour

Norway, KC Style

According to facebook these pix were taken in Lofoten, Fjord Islands, Norway. I think the trip was for work. She's so cool, she has a job that entails work trips like this. Awesome.
This effort has been going on for years...and now (2 babies later) I am still trying to do it for myself and also for my babes. Thanks to O, we have all the right qualifications...we are just having a bit of trouble following the proper processes (it is tres tres confusing and frustrating).
I recently recommitted to the effort and I hope that we can finally get it done in 2010 (it has been a New Years Resolution for 2 years now...).
Back to the important stuff. Whenever I see pictures like the ones below, I get excited about throwing une petite fete for ourselves to celebrate the citizenship (when/if we can get it all sorted out).

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I loved mine the first time, and the second time. But after 2 babes in less than 2 years, I think the belly shots to love most are those that do not belong to me.
Aren't these shots gorgeous?!? I think I love Mimi's belly as if it were my own...and yet I am so glad it is not my own.

Monday, March 29, 2010
Rear Gear?

Words As Art
1. I am always impressed by people that organize their books by color. If I ever were to organize my books, that is how I would want it done. Book organizing is no where on my to do list right now though. Maybe someday.
2. I need some word art. Ever since this home tour and this post, I have been thinking about it. Do I make it? Buy it? What would it say???
growfamilygrow gave me a great tip as a comment on my previous word art post. I never thanked her. Thank you!
She passed along this link, which gives instructions for making your own. Since then, I've been looking for letter stamps...I bought one set, but I think they are too small. I can't seem to find the right ones (online or in stores).
Final thought, for O if you are reading this. Loving you is easy cause you're beautiful.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Photos du Jour
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Little Feets
Friday, March 26, 2010
Kick it Back Dude
Photos du Jour

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Loving the Interweb
This yellow piano really got me thinking...I KNOW I would have been better at piano if ours was yellow as a kid. I was terrible...

Underwater wedding pix??? Amazing! Amazing! I LOVE this idea. Too cool. Right???

Ummmmmm...this photo made me think that I REALLY need a furry chair. Soon. LOVE IT! The post claims it is a 5 minute project...click here for the details. Then take 5 minutes and make me one!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Small Changes Are Fun

Note the new rug and new curtains (made by birdie!). This photo has bad lighting (its just so sunny all the time here!), but trust me - huge improvement! I couldn't deal with the zebra rug another day...and the curtains are such fab icing on the living room cake.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Couples Counseling with Your Closet...

- Sometimes I feel like you don't support me. But maybe I'm expecting too much from you, especially that six year old bra I keep wearing instead of donating to the local historical society.
- You definitely deserve better treatment, so I will try to pick you up off the floor more often. I will also try to stop yelling "I HATE YOU."
- I need you to be more flexible. Mostly when I eat too much pasta.
- I know I need to stop looking for a cheap thrill at TJ Maxx whenever I get bored with you, but be patient with me, OK? Old habits die hard.
- Sorry I keep a Goodwill bag in the closet and throw random things in it over the course of weeks or months. That must sort of feel like being held hostage and not knowing which of your friends is going to be taken away next. Stress central.
I think I would owe my closet some similar feedback...I definitely agree strongly with her last 4 points. You?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Funny Confession XLVII
Have you had a chance to check out the Liberty line? Are you as obsessed with it as I am?
In my opinion, the highlights of the line (aside from the fab garden gloves) are the women's jammies and the baby girl clothes.
I didn't actually get into Target until today...and it was very picked over.
Lucky for me I had a friend do some shopping for me on opening day (thank you thank you JLo). And since this is a confession post and all, I will admit that I was also pretty quick to pull the trigger online (thank you world wide web, I love you).
SweetP will be rockin' various floral print for the next few years...because rocking floral print is one of the best parts about having a baby girl.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Photo du Jour

Happy Saint Paddy's Day!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Smile! You are Home - It's for real
When the mag contacted me I didn't believe that they were for real. But now that I hold the glossy mag in my hands...I can tell you, they are for real. So fun! Here it is!
Here is the cover:

And here is the feature on our humble home - titled "Smile! You are Home":

How fun is this?