Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day Daddy-O!

O is such a great dad. He gets up early and makes "super porridge" (oats, rice, lentils, millet, and kale) in the Cuisinart for WKF. He always magically pulls a tennis ball out of his pocket in random places so that WKF has something to play with. He comes home from work in time to give baths and read stories 99% of the time. When the 1% scenario arises and he can't make it, the only person more bummed than little WKF is O. He only speaks french to the kids. He takes care of me just as well as he takes care of the babies, but he does it without making me feel like a baby.

Here is O with WKF in the early days (2ish years ago)...

Here he is with SweetP in the early days (6ish months ago)...

Happy Father's Day my love! Falling for you was the best thing I have ever done in my life! (I am pretty sure that my sister just threw up in her mouth, sorry Lo - but I'm in love.)

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