Sunday, May 31, 2009
Funny Confession XL
On Friday O and I played hooky from real life and we went snowboarding...while WKF was at daycare. It was awesome.
I have some great pix, but we are experiencing technical difficulties with our computer/camera you'll have to wait.
You gotta love Portland where it is sunny and 85 in town and yet you can still have a snowboarding date with your honey. Amazing!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Brew Buds
Way to go dudes. I'm inspired by your story! I love it. Go Cats Go!
I have no idea if these two are single, but if they are I want my single girlfriends to track them down next weekend in Burlington... seriously.
Nice Stache
I think he is looking hot hot could he not win?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Un-Nike Town
I pass this shop every day. It is a crummy, dirty, outdated-looking, running store that has this sign on the door.
It annoys me. This is Portland, the city where Nike's World Headquarters are located. Nike is a great company that does wonders to sustain our local economy. Nike also does a ton for the community. In fact, Nike built the track that is about 100 steps away from this dinky shop. Oh, and by the way, Nike makes great products.
I'm all for competition. I'm all for small, niche, local running stores being successful. There are more than enough runners in this town to support Nike as well as small shops.
I just wish this guy would be pro something instead of anti something, you know?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sisters on the Fly
Not my thing...but how adorable are the Sisters on the Fly? I spotted a blurb about them in Sunset (my fav mag), and I had to go online to learn more.
Their mission: "Offering empowerment and sisterhood through exceptional outdoor adventures"
This group of gals travels the country with adorable vintage trailers. They are a group of women who challenge themselves in all that they set their minds to do. They have no age or color. They represent no religion or political group. They welcome all women who want to share the adventures of "sisterhood".
I love it! And I LOVE their trailers. Here is a link to a bunch more trailer photos.
Portland gals...doesn't this inspire you a little...should we all chip in and buy an old trailer and start making some s'mores and having some adventures?! Let's start with the s'mores...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Road Trip
Once their 'little hike' is over...the road trip will continue on for the long weekend.
We are thinking of going here, because we have never been and it looks amazing.
I love a road trip that is not over planned. I hope you have a great long weekend as well. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's Outside Eating Season
'Tis The Season
Just like last year, this rhoddy is going off...the little house behind it looks soooo happy at this time of year.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I Would Totally Camp Here
I'm low maintenance like that...just throw me in an old RV and I'll make it work.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Photo du Jour
WKF and I walk the same neighborhood loop every day. Today was the first time I noticed this garden sculpture down the street. I wonder if it was always there, or if it is new. I am thinking it must be new...I am quite sure I would have noticed this sooner. It made me smile, I think I like it.
Missing Fireflies
If you read my blog it is probably very clear to you how much we heart Oregon. However...I get sad when I think about WKF growing up sans fireflies. This topic came up with friends recently...and I can't stop thinking about it. Does anyone know why there are no fireflies in Oregon?
Birdie, we will have to plan a vacation to Ohio to do some firefly chasing....Monday, May 18, 2009
She Wrote the Book
My friends never stop amazing me. My girl SaraG has been published. This book is a must read for anyone that you know with Lupus. It is also relevant to anyone living with a chronic illness.
I am blessed to not have lupus or any chronic illness, but I plan to read this because any advice on living well that SaraG has to offer, I am going to take. She is a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, a friend, and so much more...and she does it all with so much energy and spunk. We can all learn from her...
Way to go SaraG. Portland is proud of you!!! And are those your legs on the cover? It looks like they are...(yes, she also has great legs...).
You can check out the book here. Do it.
Bike Roundup
I am loving kid-carrying bikes. When in Amsterdam we saw a bunch of these bakfiets, here in Portland you can get one at Clever Cycles. I think they look so fun. Mama in this picture must have crazy strong legs. Can you imagine turning or going up a hill?!
This bakfiet looks a bit more do-able...I like it.This one is cute, and it can convert easily to become a stroller. Somehow I don't think it would be great on my hills...
This one is gorgeous. I love it and if WKF gets some siblings some day, I'd love to toss them all in the bucket and zip down to the farmer's market.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Goal for the Weekend
Ever since this mag cover caught my eye, I have been craving a juicy burger. This weekend I need to get it done. I am so glad I am not a vegetarian...
They just did a major beach clean up, and ended it by snapping this photo - using their volunteers to spell out "No Butts" on the beach. Of course I love it.
Our Portland family just got 8lbs bigger. What a gorgeous little girl! We are sooooooooooo excited and can't wait to kiss on her! Congrats F&M! xoxo
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Photos du Jour
These pix were taken by WKF's teachers. What a great surprise for O and I to get them sent to us via email. Great to see our little bugger is having a good day.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Frugal Portland
Ernie and GG
WKF loved this particular iPhone photo. Ernie and GG, what is not to love...
Funny Confession XXXIX
This should really help to get me over my love for the blue box. But it doesn't.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mom Day!
To Sylly's mama...who is Pepe's mama too...
To the mama of the Park City Vixens...who gracefully juggles more than any mama I know...
And also to all my friends who are mamas and all of my friends' mamas. Happy mom day!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Happy Mommy Weekend
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Get Over It Honey
WKF knows what a bad hair cut is all about...but he isn't going to court over the whole thing...